Sold by Saher Nassar

$ 2,200.00

Sold (2023) by Saher Nassar
50 x 70 cm
UV Print on Acrylic
Edition of 3

Shipping and Delivery
  • $130 flat fee for local delivery within Dubai (7-10 days)
  • $390 flat fee for international shipping (10-14 days)
  • Ships framed inside a wooden crate

3 in stock

Sold by Saher Nassar

The contentious practice of individuals signing up as soldiers has played important roles in numerous conflicts, often criticized as mercenaries seeking financial rewards. Their motivations can be attributed to the lure of monetary gain or, in certain cases, limited alternative employment options. Some are driven by a desire for personal satisfaction, while others offer their combat skills to the highest bidder. These individuals can prove difficult to hold responsible for their actions, raising legitimate concerns about potential human rights violations.