Shoreless Sea #40 by Tayseer Barakat

$ 180.00$ 420.00

Shoreless Sea #40 by Tayseer Barakatย 
High-quality canvas prints are available in the below dimensions:

Size Centimeters Inches
Original Dimensions 41 x 47 cm 16.1 x 18.5 in
Large 82 x 94 cm 32.3 x 37 in
Medium NA NA
Small NA NA
Shipping and Delivery

  • $15 flat fee for local delivery within Ramallah and Dubai (3-5 days)
  • $75 flat fee for international shipping (7-10 days) via DHL
  • Ships rolled
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Shoreless Sea #40 by Tayseer Barakat

The drawing technique Barakat uses creates a real feeling of moving waves, turbulent water and an alive sea. Looking closely, one could imagine Poseidon, the Greek god of the Sea, steering sea-storms and creating enormous waves across the surface. One can even feel him breathing from under the waters through the lungs of hundreds of refugees who lost their lives drowning in the depths. A boat throws those on board in the sea, souls flying in the skies, rescue missions, a mother holding her children tightly, two lovers, border patrols, a helicopter flying overheads … heroic journeys culminate in a line of detained refugees walking to an unknown destination… one can also imagine what looks like ceremonial rituals with the participation of the few who managed to pass all the obstacles on the way.

Gaza Sea Art Print by Tayseer Barakat, Shoreless Sea #40

Discovering Gaza Sea Art Prints in “Shoreless Sea” Begin your journey of discovery with Tayseer Barakat’s remarkable collection of Gaza Sea Art Prints in “Shoreless Sea.” Besides, this unique collection vividly portrays the relentless struggle of refugees as they cross the Mediterranean in search of a better life in Europe. Additionally, within these masterpieces, the keyword “Gaza Sea Art Print” comes to life.

Besides, Tayseer Barakat’s Personal Connection to the Gaza Sea Prints Barakat, intimately connected to the Mediterranean, channels his own experiences as a child near the shores of Gaza and later as a student by the shores of Alexandria into his art. However, the sea, once welcoming, has grown colder and more unforgiving, concealing its shores and leaving desperate souls adrift.

Also, capturing the Dynamic Essence of the Gaza Sea Poster

Barakat’s drawing technique skillfully captures the motion of waves, turbulent waters, and the vibrant, living sea. Moreover, you can almost envision Poseidon, the Greek god of the Sea, commanding the waves. While the sea seems to breathe, echoing the lost lives of countless refugees who met their fate in its depths.

Moreover, narrating Harrowing Journeys through Gaza Sea Art Prints

These art prints recount harrowing tales: from boats casting people into the sea to rescue missions, mothers clinging to their children, lovers separated by border patrols, and helicopters soaring overhead. Heroic journeys culminate in the image of detained refugees forging an uncertain path.
All in all, the Poignant “Separation” Series in Gaza Sea Art Prints
In the “Separation” series, white dominates, symbolizing the sea’s chilling indifference and the world’s apathy towards refugees. However, paintings reveal figures isolated in a sea of white, encapsulating the unspoken words of those who met their fate at sea. Amidst this, women take center stage: one awaits in anticipation, another adds warmth to the coldness with her vibrant orange presence, while a bride stands near the sea, and another gazes into a mirror. Also, is she the next offering to the unforgiving god of the sea?
Finally, experience the Resilience of “Gaza Sea Art Prints”
Experience the power of “Gaza Sea Art Prints” by Tayseer Barakat, a testament to the enduring spirit and resilience of those who seek hope in the face of an endless, treacherous sea.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Original Size Canvas, Large Canvas, Medium Canvas, Small Canvas